Information on Auto Accidents

Information on Auto Accidents

Your Guide to Understanding Auto Accidents

Every 14 seconds in America, someone gets injured in a car accident. Every fifteen minutes, someone dies. What can you do to avoid an accident in the first place or survive if you happen to get into one? The Survivors Club has interviewed auto safety experts and car crash survivors. What follows are essential tips and key resources. As always, if you’re a car crash survivor, we welcome your ideas and suggestions to make this Automobile Accident Guide even more helpful to people driving America’s roads. Everyone knows the phrase “defensive driving.” The first rule of dodging an auto accident is to pay attention. It seems obvious but you’d be shocked how many people drive distracted or drowsy. Which leads to the second rule of defensive driving: “Don’t trust nobody.” You may be wide awake at the wheel but the teenager coming straight at you in the opposite direction may be texting and paying no attention. Nearly 25 percent of all traffic accidents involve someone talking on a cell phone. For more, check out: